Measure Effectiveness

Measure Effectiveness…

As many urge nonprofits to start using analytical strategies, there’s a clear call for measurable data in this particular niche. As a business leader, you need to be constantly asking whether you’re making a material difference. While heart-warming stories may feel good, this also needs to be measured through performance metrics.
To meet statutory requirements, measuring effectiveness will be the first step as it allows for reporting on each funded program. For grantees, they can also receive data collection training from university staff, so databases and forms are used correctly. From here, grantee performance is reviewed, and an accurate semiannual summary data report produced.

We will…
  • Create surveys and questionnaires
  • Review all documentation relating to grant scope
  • Perform case studies to provide a full insight into the experiences of clients in a program
  • Create focus groups to conduct group discussions to uncover the negative and positive experiences of clients.
For any questions or would like to schedule a free consultation, fill out the form below, email us at or call (800) 742-4135.

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